Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gratitude, Space, And Following My Heart

One thing yoga has taught me is gratitude. When I am in a state of gratitude, I notice more magic and joy appearing in my life. Whether it's the sunshine on my face, the peaceful view from my backyard, or the look of love I get from my dog, I can't help but be thankful for these small miracles that are part of my everyday life.

Today, I am feeling overwhelmed in gratitude for where my life has brought me. What a different place I am in now than I was over a year ago. A year ago at this time I was starting the dreaded countdown to the end of the weekend in anticipation of Monday morning. I knee what my heart was calling me to do, but wasn't yet ready to dive fully in. Back then I felt like I was in the wrong place; but really, I was right where I was supposed to be, following all the steps that were already being planned for me leading me to where I am right now.

With so much gratitude for where I am right now, I look back - also with gratitude - to where I have been. I realize that each part of my path was special. Each part taught me something different. And each part lead me to right here. The key, I think, was being present enough in my life - and inside myself - to listen to the wisdom within me, to follow my heart. I have found that the more I follow my heart, the more loudly my heart speaks to me. I don't have anxiety anymore over decisions I have to make. If I am not sure in which direction to move forward, I give the question some space (meaning I let it go and stop fretting, analyzing, and thinking about it), make sure I hit my meditation cushion morning and night, and allow the answer to come to me. It always does, and I can feel in my body that I am making the right decision, following the right path. It really is as simple as that.